Wednesday, April 3, 2013

How Do We Change The World? Change The Story.

“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” - Albert Einstein

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Why Current Thinking about Autism is Completely Wrong.. Dr. Hyman "gets it"...

TODAY MOST PEOPLE BELIEVE that Autism is a genetic brain disorder. I’m here to tell you that this isn’t true. The real reason we are seeing increasing rates of autism is simply this: Autism is a systemic body disorder that affects the brain. A toxic environment triggers certain genes in people susceptible to this condition. And research supports this position.
Think about it. Rates of autism have skyrocketed over the years, from an estimated 1 child in 3,000 to just 1 in 150 kids today. Sure, wider criteria for diagnosis and better detection might explain some of it but not an increase of this magnitude.
Dramatic scientific discoveries have taken place during the last 10 to 20 years that reveal the true causes of autism, and turn conventional thinking on its head. For example, Martha Herbert, MD, a pediatric neurologist from Harvard Medical School has painted a picture of autism that shows how core abnormalities in body systems like immunity, gut function, and detoxification play a central role in causing the behavioral and mood symptoms of autism.
Recently I treated a 2 ½ year old boy named Sam. He was born healthy but diagnosed with autism after his vaccination for measles, mumps and rubella at 22 months.
Every child with autism has unique genetics, causes or triggers. And it is not usually one thing but a collection of insults, toxins and deficiencies piled on susceptible genetics that leads to biochemical train wrecks we see in these children.
When I first saw him, this little boy was deep in the inner wordless world of autism. Watching him was like watching someone on a psychedelic drug trip. So we dug into his biochemistry and genetics and found many things to account for the problems he was having.
He had very high level of antibodies to gluten. He was allergic not only to wheat, but to dairy, eggs, yeast, and soy — about 28 foods in total. He also had a leaky gut, and his gut was very inflamed. Sam was deficient in zinc, magnesium, and manganese, vitamins A, B12, and D, and omega-3 fats. Like many children with autism, he had trouble making energy in his cells, or mitochondria.
His amino acids — necessary for normal brain function and detoxification — were depleted. And his blood showed high levels of aluminum and lead, while his hair showed very high levels of antimony and arsenic, signs of a very toxic little boy. His levels of sulfur and glutathione were low, indicating that he just couldn’t muster the power to detox all these metals. In fact, his genes showed a major weak spot in glutathione metabolism, which is the body’s main antioxidant and major detoxification highway for getting rid of metals and pesticides.
Sam also had trouble with a key biochemical function called methylation that is required to make normal neurotransmitters and brain chemicals and is critical for helping the body get rid of toxins. This showed up as low levels of homocysteine (signs of problems with folate metabolism) and high methylmalonic acid (signs of problems with B12 metabolism). He also had two genes that set him up for more problems with this system.
Finally, he also had very high levels of oxidative stress or free radical activity, including markers that told me that his brain was inflamed and under free-radical fire.
This may all seem complicated, but it really isn’t. When I see any patient, I simply work through the 7 Keys to UltraWellness (based on functional medicine) to see how everything is connected, create a plan to get to the causes of the problems, and then help each patient deal with all the biochemical and physiological rubble that those causes have left along the road.
To create a roadmap for recovery you just take away what’s bothering the patient and give his body what it is missing and needs to thrive (based on the individual’s biochemical uniqueness). Then the body does the rest. Here is the roadmap I used to help Sam recover.
Step 1: Fix His Gut and Cool the Inflammation There
This step included a number of different tactics including:
  • Taking away gluten and other food allergens
  • Getting rid of his yeast with anti-fungals
  • Killing off the toxic bacteria in his small intestine with special antibiotics
  • Replenishing healthy bacteria with probiotics
  • Helping him digest his food with enzymes
Step 2: Replace the Missing Nutrients to Help His Genes Work Better
In Sam’s case we:
  • Added back zinc, magnesium, folate, and vitamins A, B6, B12, and D
  • Supported his brain with omega-3 fats
Step 3: Detoxify and Reduce Oxidative Stress
  • Once his biochemistry and nutrition was tuned up, we helped him detoxify and reduce oxidative stress.
  • Improve nutrition, reduce inflammation, heal the gut, detoxify — this should sound familiar.
As I said before, the keys of UltraWellness can help, no matter what the disease or condition. Biology has basic laws, which we have to follow and understand. All the details of Sam’s story fit into these laws. We just have to dig deep, peel back the layers, and understand what is going on. When we do this the results are nothing short of miraculous…
After following a gluten-free diet and treating his gut for 3 weeks, Sam showed dramatic and remarkable improvement. He was getting back much of his language skills and showing much more connection and relatedness in his interactions.
After 4 months, he was more focused, unstuck and verbal.
After 10 months, his bowels were back to normal, he was verbally fluent, mainstreamed in school and he “lost” his diagnosis of autism.
After 2 years all his abnormal tests were normal including the high metals, gut inflammation and damage to his mitochondria and free radicals.
And more importantly, the child was totally normal. Not every child has such a dramatic recovery but many improve, and some improve dramatically using the approach of functional or systems medicine.
This is just the beginning. Read the full article on Why Current Thinking About Autism Is Completely Wrong.
To your good health,
Mark Hyman, MD

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Average Fluordiation Levels by county

No levels of fluoride are good for you to drink and is proven to cause cancer, but scientists have found out that anything over 0.7 mg/l is VERY harmful for your body and even harmful to your teeth.  If the government is not going to banish fluoride from are water all together, we need to at least force them to lower it to safer levels.  Science has already proven what they are doing does more harm than good now it is up to us to make them stop poisoning the population. 


Life for captive whales and dolphins is nothing like a life in the sea. It is almost impossible to maintain a family group in captivity. Tanks only allow a few strokes in any direction before coming to a wall. Because tanks are shallow, the natural tendencies of whales and dolphins are reversed—they spend more than half their time at the tank's surface.
This unnatural situation can cause skin problems. In addition, in captive killer whales (orcas), it is the probable cause of dorsal fin collapse, as without the support of water, gravity pulls these tall appendages over as the whale matures. Collapsed fins are experienced by all captive male orcas and many captive female orcas, who were either captured as juveniles or who were born in captivity. However, they are observed in only about 1% of orcas in the wild.
In a tank, the environment is monotonous and limited in scope. Sonar clicks, the method by which individuals define their surroundings, have limited utility in such an environment. These animals, who are perpetually aware, have nothing like the varied stimulation of their natural environment. In perpetual motion, they are forced into literally endless circles. Life for these animals is a mere shadow of what it was in the wild.

We are nature

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Natures tick deterrent

you can't un-poison it

Lunar calendar 2013

Most americans

Don't sit this one out

The worst drugs

The earth is being killed

What if everything was labeled like genetically engineered foods?

Why do we let companies like Monsanto control the labeling of our food?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sodium Fluoride

Pesticides Kill!

Dr royal rife

In 1934, Mr. Royal Rife and his associates opened 2 small clinic in California and cured sixteen cases of cancer. Sworn affidavits and medical experts testified to the complete remission of "hopeless" cases within four to six weeks. Virtually every patient treated by Rife's -Frequency Instrument.- as he called it. was cured with no adverse side affects. Since that time. millions of people have died from viruses that Mr. Rife convincingly destroyed over 50 years ago. Who was this man? What can his work teach us today? And why is this information being suppressed?

Modern uses for the hemp plant

Mineral health guide

Flu shot ingredients

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Foods to help fight diabetes

How many does it

75% of nuclear reactors leak radiation in the USA

There is a correlation of cancer fatalities and nuclear power plant locations.

Disease management system

There is no other earth to go to

Our earth is our home and it holds everything we need to live and love.
 Its time to start acting like it.

It cannot be done

Amazing macro photography by talented Russian artist Andrey Pavlov.
Using real ants as models, photographer captures beautiful and creative images that will bring a smile to your face.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Addicted to Oil


India is experiencing a growing toxic pollution issue. The infamous pesticide "Endosulfan" which has been banned by the US and many other countries in the world has killed over 1000 and crippled around 10000 people.

Masked earth

“Anything else you’re interested in is not going to happen if you
can’t breath the air and drink the water. don’t sit this one out, do
- Carl Sagan

Choose your weapon

I love the feeling of freshly tilled soil still cool from the spring between my toes. :)
 Everyone should know such a sensation.

Campfire brownies

fight people who are destroying the world

Carolina Anole Lizard

The Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis) is an arboreal lizard found primarily in the southeastern m United States and some Caribbean islands. Other common names include the green anoleAmerican anole and red-throated anole. It is sometimes referred to as the American chameleon due to its ability to change color from several brown hues to bright green; however, many lizards are capable of this, and anoles are not true chameleons. The Carolina is a small lizard; male adults are usually 6 inches long in adulthood, about half of which is its tail, and it can weigh from 3–7 grams (0.11–0.25 ounce). Exceptionally, these anoles can measure up to 20 centimeters (7.9 inches).

The Earth Has Music

Break Free From The Social Norm